Monday, December 1, 2008

Tips for portraits and self portraits

1.FRAMING-Shooting with a wide angle lens attached to your camera can help create some memorable shots when you’re doing portrait photography.
At very wide focal lengths you can create some wonderful distortion. It might not be the type of shot you take of your wife or girlfriend (unless she’s in a playful mood) but using these focal lengths will enlarge parts of the face or body that are on the edge of the frame more than what is in the centre.
It can also give a wide open and dramatic impact when your subject is in an impressive setting.

2.THE BACKGROUND-The person in your portrait is the main point of interest - however sometimes when you place them into different contexts with different backgrounds you can dramatically alter the mood in a shot.
Sometimes you want your background to be as minimalistic as possible.

Monday, November 24, 2008


I think what makes a good photo is good focus and good compositions. The way everything else should look good and balanced, like the colors and how the thing or person is . If someone is standing on a rock I wouldn't want them to stand only on the left I want them in the middle. That's what a good photo should be. In my photos I'm going to use everything I just stated and evrything else that makes it look good.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Dove evolution of beauty

they changed the lady's hair, eye color, her eye shape, and her facial features. I don't think its ethically OK to change someones appearance because it makes someone somebody they want them to look like. they could make someone feel different about themselves like they don't belong.
the types of changes i think are ok is changing someones hair or haircolor, and changing their weight.
the differences of fashion photography and photo journalism is that they take pictures of people they can change and make different and photo journalism is taking still life pictures or taking pictures of people(without changing them).

Ethics -photo manipulation

This photo I think was the least unethical because I guess nobody reads national gegraphic and i dont think there is nothing wrong with this photo.

Ethics intro-Photo minipulation

I think this photo is ethical because a lot of people dont like saddam and this picture is i guess wrong.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Great B&W photographers 3

I see:the dead bloody body on the floor

I smell:the death comming from the body

I hear:the sirens comming from a distance to find the body

I taste:the nausea forming in my mouth

I feel:the blood running down the side of my cheek

Great B&W photographers 3

I see:a bed sheet laying on the floor

I smell:the odor of someone who just woke up

I hear:them getting ready in the bathroom

I taste:the toothpaste they are using

Ifeel:the nic soft warmness they left in the bed

Great b&w photographers 2

this photographer's name is bravo alvarez. he was born in 1902- and as a teen he was living in mexico during the mexican revolution.when he was an older man he watched a local amateur under in the darkroom is a good memory he remembers became hi passion. The career of Alvarez Bravo, spanning nearly eighty years characterizes his work through the 1930s Alvarez Bravo's first professional work in photography was as a freelancer for Mexican Folkways, a magazine dedicated to the cultural history of Mexico focusing on such topics as traditional music and burial customs.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Print Evaluation

one thing that is in sharp focus is the person on the floor reading the book.

there is good contrast(Black and whites) because everything was right on the light meter.

i dont thin i followed the rules in this picture, but next time i will look out for that.

there is no yellowing or spots on the print and no rings.

my negatives and test strip and contact sheet are in the right spot.

the person in my photo i think his name is travis.

he is reading a book in the hallway during school for his class.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Filling the frame

this has the most interesting things because there is an interesting wallpaper, desks, and a guy sitting on one.

The Story

I think this tells the best story because the lady is telling her about the story and showing her what a character did in the book.

action and emotion

The emotion is obvious, there is exitement and looks like there is anticipation. The action is like a contest and you have to write on the board.

Friday, October 3, 2008

focal length=70-200mm

Shutter speed=2.8

What is the effect of shooting at this speed? The effect is that it can get a photo when your close enough when it is moving.


What is the effect (Depth of field) of shooting at this aperture? I think that is good to shoot at this aperture because the photo looks perfect.

Position - Describe where you think the photographer was standing to get this shot. I think he was standing on the sideline where the leap happened.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Hurricane Ike

I think this photo is framing,its like the guy is posing in a little frame. I think this photo is cool because the guy doesnt care he is just laying there .

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Avoiding Mergers

this photo looks like the boy was cut out of the main focus. i think he should have been the main focus.


this photo looks like its balancing with the two flags.


this photo looks like it could be the begining of a story.(introduction)


this pictures main focus is the flag, but the lines is what make it interesting.


this picture has simplicity because the man and the flags are the main focus and its in the center of the picture.


this looks like he is having a discussion with his baby before he leaves.


This is framing because he is in the square like he is in a frame of a picture.

The rule of thirds

I think this has the rule of thirds because its focusing on three things at once.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

penhole camera

Once again ther is no person or action in the photo. The blur is in the background the cars because they are moving.

the boot is in focus mainly and the background is out of focus.

Describe the warping. no the image is not warped

Penhole camera

There is not a person or action it is a still life
photo. There is a blur when the picture gets further away because the main focus is on the muffler and wheel.
The main focus is the muffler and wheel,and the background is out of focus when it gets further away.
The image isn't warped at all.

Inside the camera

LENSE-the glass ont he camera that uses light to make pictures.
FOCUS-the focus zooms in and out to make the picture clear.
FLASH-a bright light that makes the camera see the focus.
APERTURE-a circle opening that lets a certain amount of light in.
SHUTTER-after you take a picture you hear the camera shutter its like it "reloads"
EXPOSURE-the total amount of light let in/
F-STOP-the setting of the lense on the camera.
FOCAL LENGTH-how strong the focus is on a camera.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Pics i took

I like this photo I took because its one of the two photos that you can actually see. Its also a good photo because I took it at the right time.

I didn't like this picture because its too dark. I stood too far back and i didn't focus the camera that good. I also stood in the same spot for a while.

First pics

I didnt really like this photo because everything is blurry. I think the photographer moved right before the picture finished. I picked this photo because everything else was not blurry.

This is a awesome photo! I like how it is a close photo of someones face. I also liked it because the background is black you cant tell where this person is at.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

welcome to my blog